Dear Anton,

Let’s looks at the facts not references to "de facto as a civil society movement” under Russian law:
  1. As far as I know the official list of ENOG founders does neither exist nor publish on the website
  2. The domain is owned by RIPE NCC
  3. 1st ENOG meeting started with the words "Dear colleagues, I am glad to welcome you at the 1st international meeting of ENOG–the Eurasian Forum of Internet Operators – co-hosted by RIPE NCC and the Coordination Center for TLD RU” - no reference to any civil society movement.
  4. Each ENOG had a list of hosts and sponsors and I have never seen any "civil society movement” you mentioned in these lists
  5. RIPE NCC is located in Amsterdam, the Kingdom of the Netherlands i.e. it is under Dutch (not Russian) law
Based on the facts above I assume RIPE NCC has all necessary rights to do what many of us is asking: cancelling ENOG for good.

Yours sincerely,
Maksym Tulyuk
Former ENOG PC member
On 6 Mar 2022, 12:38 +0100, Anton Baskov <>, wrote:
(English version below)

к сожалению, последние события используются некоторыми людьми для
большего разобщения общества. К подобным действиям можно отнести и
призыв к внешним силам, находящимся за пределами нашего региона, с
призывом ликвидировать ENOG.

Много лет назад Евразийская группа сетевых операторов была организована
в Москве де-факто как общественное движение. В связи с этим деятельность
ENOG регулируется статьёй 9 федерального закона №82-ФЗ "Об общественных
объединениях" от 19.05.1995. В соответствии со статьей 26 ликвидация
общественного движения возможна лишь по решению съезда (конференции) или
общего собрания.

Это означает что ни RIPE, ни совет директоров RIPE NCC, ни программный
комитет ENOG (не являющийся высшим руководящим органом) не могут принять
решение о ликвидации ENOG.

Надеюсь, что в нашу следующую встречу в Москве мы сможем обсудить все
вопросы относительно формата работы Евразийской группы сетевых операторов.

"Всякое царство, разделившееся само в себе, опустеет; и всякий город или
дом, разделившийся сам в себе, не устоит" (Евангелие от Матфея, 12:25)

С уважением,
Антон Андреевич Басков

Dear colleagues,
unfortunately, the recent events are being used by some people to divide
our community further. Such actions include pleas to "terminate" ENOG
addressed to external forces residing outside of our region.

The Eurasian network operators group was founded long time ago in
Moscow, de facto as a civil society movement, and thus is governed by
The Federal Law on Public Associations (82-FZ, Article 9). According to
Article 26 of this law, a civil society movement may be terminated only
by a decision of the congress (conference) or of a general meeting.

This means that neither RIPE, nor Executive Board of the RIPE NCC, nor
the program committee (which is not the highest governing body of the
ENOG) have the authority to terminate ENOG.

I hope that we will be able to discuss all issues regarding the format
of work of the ENOG during our next meeting in Moscow.

“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and
every city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Matthew 12:25).

Anton Baskov

P.S. Community members that organised ENOG are:
– from ENOG organisation committee, that consist of Dmitry Burkov,
Andrei Kolesnikov, Camilla Meidell, Julia Ovchinnikova, Paul Rendek and
Andrei Robachevsky (as we had no other elections to the organising
committee they still represent highest governing body of the ENOG);
– from Program Committee of the RIPE NCC Regional Meeting in Moscow in
2010: Pavel Antonov, Anton Baskov, Benjamin Beskrovny, Dmitry Burkov,
Camilla Meidell, Sergey Myasoedov, Pavel Khramtsov, Andrey Kolesnikov,
Kurt Erik Lindquist, Julia Ovchinnikova, Sergei Polischuk, Serge
Radovic, Paul Rendek, Andrei Robachevsky (Program Committee Chair) and
Konstantin Tchoumatchenko.

Anton Baskov <>
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