сами понимает - что написали?
Вообще-то, это не против стран и даже не против государств, это против конкретных правительств.
вт, 11 Апр 2017 г., 22:20 Dmitry Burkov <dburk@burkov.aha.ru>:
Группа сумасшедших решила вводить санкции против стран - good luck -
очень плохая идея и то - что
я не принимаю - провокация в стиле попа Гапона ( это не к Сереже)
On 4/11/17 10:00 PM, Sergey Myasoedov wrote:
> Всем привет!
> В AfriNIC сегодня внесли предложение по изменению правил. Необычное.
> https://www.afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2061-anti-shutdown-01
> 13.1 In the event of an internet shutdown performed at the order of a government that is either total or partial:
> For a period of 12 months following the end of the shutdown – AFRINIC will allocate no resources to the government of the country
> This also applies to all government owned entities and entities that have direct provable relationships with said government.
> In the event of a transfer policy existing, AFRINIC shall not assist or participate in any transfers to any of the entities above.
> All sub-allocations of space within said country involving the referred to entities shall equally cease for a period of 12 months.
> 13.2 In the event of a government performing 3 or more such shutdowns in a period of 10 years – all resources to the aforementioned
> entities shall be revoked and no allocations to said entities shall occur for a period of 5 years.
> Ждем реакции сообщества.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Sergey Myasoedov
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