Vlad - you have a great opportunity to go to ALAC in ICANN which is looks like a more proper place to discuss these issues.

Best regards,


On 4/12/17 10:21 AM, Volodymyr Litovka wrote:

On 4/12/17 10:10 AM, Victor Belov wrote:
With all my support for this idea (penalties for those trying to disturb Internet operations for whatever reasons, governments or not) I don’t think RIRs are the right entity to make decisions if somebody violates human rights.
There are plenty of entities in the world in charge of making such decisions already, efficient or not. So if we really want to add something of that kind to RIR rules, it should be straight forward technical wise, not political wise or human rights wise, or whatever else wise…

Let's talk in simpler way - if government, for any reasons, will shutdown Internet in their country, then it means these guys don't need it and, thus, don't need any resources. Of course, RIR isn't right place to make a decision about human rights violation, but RIR has more precise and technical metrics to decide whether to continue or discontinue operations.

The only I'd suggest to proposal is to support penalties during proposed time OR government's lifetime, i.e. if government changed and then abolished shutdown, there is no need to continue sanctions.

Best regards,
Victor Belov

On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Volodymyr Litovka <doka.ua@gmail.com> wrote:


your position on this topic is clear. Since government of Russia, actually, is closest to such "shutdown" scenario, you will not support sanctions for this.

But this proposal is about how to deal with attacks. There are, actually, three choices: ignore, be deeply concerned and penalize. Last years from real world's life shown what happen if 1st and 2nd options were chosen.

In the case we're discussing now, if RIRs think that somebody violates human rights (even if local government don't think so) or attacks Internet in any other way, RIRs need to actively react on this. Actually, we all need to defend this territory as much as we can and there is no place for inactivity and passive observation.


On 4/12/17 1:31 AM, Dmitry Burkov wrote:
We need to stay absolutely neutral and leave politics to others

On 4/11/17 10:47 PM, Sergey Myasoedov wrote:
Один из авторов прокомментировал так: This proposal opens a very interesting debate about the neutrality stance in the face of what I consider human rights abuses.
Should the RIR's stand neutral while it happens, or should they stand and fight for the rights of the users and the members.

On 11 Apr 2017, at 21:30, Tigran Zakoyan <tigran@tigran.am> wrote:

Вообще-то, это не против стран и даже не против государств, это против конкретных правительств.

вт, 11 Апр 2017 г., 22:20 Dmitry Burkov <dburk@burkov.aha.ru>:
Группа сумасшедших решила вводить санкции против стран - good luck -
очень плохая идея и то - что

я не принимаю - провокация в стиле попа Гапона ( это не к Сереже)

On 4/11/17 10:00 PM, Sergey Myasoedov wrote:
Всем привет!

В AfriNIC сегодня внесли предложение по изменению правил. Необычное.


13.1 In the event of an internet shutdown performed at the order of a government that is either total or partial:
   For a period of 12 months following the end of the shutdown – AFRINIC will allocate no resources to the government of the country
   This also applies to all government owned entities and entities that have direct provable relationships with said government.
   In the event of a transfer policy existing, AFRINIC shall not assist or participate in any transfers to any of the entities above.
   All sub-allocations of space within said country involving the referred to entities shall equally cease for a period of 12 months.

13.2 In the event of a government performing 3 or more such shutdowns in a period of 10 years – all resources to the aforementioned
entities shall be revoked and no allocations to said entities shall occur for a period of 5 years.

Ждем реакции сообщества.

Kind regards,
Sergey Myasoedov

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Volodymyr Litovka
  "Vision without Execution is Hallucination." -- Thomas Edison

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Volodymyr Litovka
  "Vision without Execution is Hallucination." -- Thomas Edison