Thanks Piotr for your request. I wound consider it. (don't want to publicly endorse any candidate on election day.)
Can you please comment on recent decision related to cut of funding to ENOG meetings from twice to once annually? I understand that this issue may be below board decision level - just wanted to know your opinion.
On 10 трав. 2017 р., at 09:14, Piotr Strzyzewski Piotr.Strzyzewski@polsl.pl wrote:
Dear ENOG Community Members,
I would like to ask for your support for the elections to the RIPE NCC Executive Board.
I started attending RIPE Meetings in person more than 10 years ago. During this time I have made several presentations that touch on different areas, including policy proposals and implementation details. Moreover, I have engaged myself and become a member of two Task Forces and for about 2 years I was one of the co-chairs of the RIPE Database Working Group, which has given me even more opportunity to serve RIPE community.
As a board member, I would like to encourage more people from Central and Eastern Europe and CIS to engage more actively in the life of the community. It would be a great honour to me if you consider supporting me.
My full bio for the elections could be found here: https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/gm/meetings/may-2017/candidate-bio...
Piotr Strzyżewski
-- gucio -> Piotr Strzyżewski E-mail: Piotr.Strzyzewski@polsl.pl
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