On 10 трав. 2017 р., at 16:25, Piotr Strzyzewski Piotr.Strzyzewski@polsl.pl wrote:
On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 12:17:54PM +0200, Dmitry Kohmanyuk wrote: Thanks Piotr for your request. I wound consider it. (don't want to publicly endorse any candidate on election day.)
Can you please comment on recent decision related to cut of funding to ENOG meetings from twice to once annually? I understand that this issue may be below board decision level - just wanted to know your opinion.
In my opinion this was not a good move. I would be more for change of the scheme of ENOG and not to suspend fundings for half of the meetings, as a first move.
Thank you. Good luck with your board membership application and see you at ENOG meetings perhaps?
You had been involved with community event organizing and perhaps can advice is how to solve this situation in amicable way.