Dear colleagues,
Block your calendars and book your flights! We’re pleased to share the calendar of our upcoming events, including RIPE Meetings and more. If you would like to present at our events, please do take a look at the call for presentations.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- April 2019: MENOG 19, RIPE NCC Day and SEE 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*MENOG 19 Meeting & Peering Forum: Beirut, 3-4 April 2019*
Call for Presentations and registration are now open! https://www.menog.org/meetings/menog-19/
*RIPE NCC Day: Moscow, 9 April 2019*
Call for Presentations and registration are now open! https://www.ripe.net/ripe-ncc-day-moscow
*SEE 8: Sarajevo, 16-17 April 2019*
Call for Presentations and registration are now open! https://www.ripe.net/see-8/
--------------------------------------------------------------------- May 2019: RIPE 78 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*RIPE 78: Reykjavík, 20-24 May 2019*
Call for Presentations and registration are now open! https://ripe78.ripe.net/
--------------------------------------------------------------------- June 2019: ENOG 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*ENOG 16: Tbilisi, 3-4 June 2019*
Call for Presentations and registration are now open! https://www.enog.org/enog-15/
--------------------------------------------------------------------- September 2019: RIPE NCC Regional Meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*RIPE NCC Regional Meeting: Kiev, 24-25 September 2019*
Call for Presentations and registration are now open! https://www.ripe.net/regional-meeting-kiev
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Next RIPE Meetings ---------------------------------------------------------------------
*RIPE 79: Rotterdam, 14-18 October 2019*
*RIPE 80: Berlin, 11-15 May 2020*
--------------------------------------------------------------------- If you need any further information or if you are interested in sponsoring any of the above events, please do get in touch with the meetings team at meeting@ripe.net. We look forward to seeing you!
Best regards,
Martina de Mas Event Organiser RIPE NCC