Dear all,
There are a few changes to the ENOG Programme Committee (PC) that I would like to share with you.
Firstly, after chairing the PC for eight successful ENOG meetings, Andrei Robachevsky decided to step down from his position.
For his hours of dedication, loyalty and hard work to ENOG, we sincerely thank Andrei on behalf of the community. His guidance and support helped boost the interest and reputation of ENOG, which added to its robust development.
Andrei will continue serving as a regular member of the PC.
Sergey Myasoedov, formerly a vice-chair on the PC will now take the helm as chair. Since May 2014, Sergey has represented ENOG in the RIPE Meeting Programme Committee. To Sergey, congratulations!
Alex Semenyaka will replace Sergey as the ENOG PC's vice-chair. Alexander Isavnin, who was already a vice-chair on the PC, was reelected to another term.
The term for all appointments is two years. Congratulations to all!
More information about the ENOG PC can be found at: http://www.enog.org/meetings/enog-9/pc/
Best regards, Gergana