Dear networkers in the Eurasian region,
Internet interconnection is largely unregulated. However, in some countries, public regulation has emerged – be it through transparency rules, mandatory peering or licensing terms.
Currently, we lack an overview about where regulation exists and we know little about how it affects internet connectivity on a global scale.
To start filling this information gap, I have set up a short survey for network engineers, peering coordinators and network-savvy legal staffers. The goal is to crowdsource an initial overview about formal regulation of internet interconnection around the world.
Please participate! It takes no more than 10 minutes and will serve the community: http://limesurvey.hiig.de/index.php/675663?lang=en http://limesurvey.hiig.de/index.php/675663?lang=en I will publish the results under a Creative Commons license.
Also, please consider helping by forwarding the link to fellow interconnection professionals - think of your Facebook, VKontakte or LinkedIn groups, of chat channels and mailing lists. The more regional diversity, the better.
Thank you!
Kind regards,
Uta Meier-Hahn PhD Candidate Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society Oberwallstr. 9 | 10117 Berlin meier-hahn@hiig.de mailto:meier-hahn@hiig.de | T +49 30 200 760-82 | www.hiig.de/en http://www.hiig.de/en