//- *NB*: Everyone on this list who wishes to continue serving on the PC //please send your «Yes» to this list.
«Yes» Please count on me. _________________________ Regards, Evgeny Zobnitsev Moscow, Russia mobile: +79169125830 e-mail: e@zobnitsev.ru skype: ezobn77 http://eaz.tel

31.10.2013 0:48, EVGENY ZOBNITSEV пишет:
//- *NB*: Everyone on this list who wishes to continue serving on the PC //please send your «Yes» to this list.
«Yes» Please count on me. _________________________ Regards, Evgeny Zobnitsev Moscow, Russia mobile: +79169125830 e-mail: e@zobnitsev.ru mailto:e@zobnitsev.ru skype: ezobn77 http://eaz.tel
discuss mailing list discuss@enog.org http://www.enog.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss

Igor and everyone,
I just sent "Приглашение принять участие в работе Программного Комитета ENOG7/ENOG 7 Programme Committee: Call for Volunteers" to the discuss mailing list. If you wish to nominate yourself to the ENOG PC, please read this message and send us (pc@enog.org) a reply, telling about yourself.
Ivannikov Igor wrote on 10/31/13 10:00 AM:
31.10.2013 0:48, EVGENY ZOBNITSEV пишет:
//- *NB*: Everyone on this list who wishes to continue serving on the PC //please send your «Yes» to this list.
«Yes» Please count on me. _________________________ Regards, Evgeny Zobnitsev Moscow, Russia mobile: +79169125830 e-mail: e@zobnitsev.ru mailto:e@zobnitsev.ru skype: ezobn77 http://eaz.tel
discuss mailing list discuss@enog.org http://www.enog.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
discuss mailing list discuss@enog.org http://www.enog.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss

yes, I want to join.
On 30.10.13 22:48, EVGENY ZOBNITSEV wrote:
//- *NB*: Everyone on this list who wishes to continue serving on the PC //please send your «Yes» to this list.
«Yes» Please count on me. _________________________ Regards, Evgeny Zobnitsev Moscow, Russia mobile: +79169125830 e-mail: e@zobnitsev.ru mailto:e@zobnitsev.ru skype: ezobn77 http://eaz.tel
discuss mailing list discuss@enog.org http://www.enog.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
participants (4)
Andrei Robachevsky
Ivannikov Igor
Max Tulyev