Hi Vahan, all,
VH> So I would suggest to keep the ENOG mailing list, if there will be an VH> initiative to open other mailing lists and platforms as well, and leave VH> it to the community to communicate at the platforms they would like to.
Seriously, keep open the mailing list with less than 10 unique message per year?
The community, if it's existing, will always find a way to communicate. If there is no communication - the communication tool is useless. Or probably there is no such community.
-- Kind regards, Sergey Myasoedov
Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 12:41:49, you wrote:
VH> Hi, Aleks and Aleksi and all!
VH> At the time of changes, it is very important to keep communication VH> alive, especially when we see so many new threats for the networks each VH> day.
VH> We need to keep in mind that NOG is an "informal forum that bring VH> together network operators, network engineers and other technical VH> professionals to discuss matters relating to routing, network security, VH> peering and interconnection, and other operational Internet issues". If VH> we keep this principle, it can be called CENOG, ENOG or any other way, VH> if we bring there politics-it will not work in any way.
VH> ENOG was providing an opportunity to discuss the abovementioned matters VH> for mainly Russian speaking audience from many countries in Eurasian VH> region (what is Eurasia-formally it is even larger, than RIPE NCC region VH> is). Well, most of the participants were from Russia, a lot of from VH> Ukraine, but also people from Czech Republic, Central Asia, Caucasus, VH> Eastern and Western Europe were participating, putting their bits there.
VH> So I would suggest to keep the ENOG mailing list, if there will be an VH> initiative to open other mailing lists and platforms as well, and leave VH> it to the community to communicate at the platforms they would like to.
VH> However, my call would be to keep the understanding of NOG well, when VH> making the communication, as it is definitely a place for a discussion VH> of matters relating to routing, network security, peering and VH> interconnection, and other operational Internet issues and not political VH> ones.
VH> Sincerely,
VH> Vahan VH> On 2022-03-16 15:22, Alex Semenyaka wrote:
Hi Aleksi!
I am 100% sure that we in Ukraine will have a normal face-to-face NOG meeting right after the war.
But regional coordination is also a thing, so the idea of CENOG looks really promising to me. Not as a separate big shiny NOG (at least, at the beginning), but exactly as a coordination instrument.
On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 8:05 AM Aleksi Suhonen enog-2022@ssd.axu.tm wrote:
On 10/03/2022 22:14, Alex Semenyaka wrote:
There is UANOG. It never gathered as a face-to-face meeting, but
it is
alive as a mailing list during like last 20 years... I do believe that it can be augmented with meetings, why not?
While I'm not Ukrainian, I say you definitely should have local NOG meetings too. Nothing makes local IXPs and ISPs grow more than meeting the others in person. Regional NOG meetings have their place and purpose, but local NOGs are possibly even more important.
But also I do believe that horizontal interaction between
different NOGs
in similar countries could be really profitable, and here CENOG
can help
as an umbrella. Not substitution for the national NOGs, but a
providing their interaction between each other.
RIPE has the nog-org mailing list for this purpose:
RIPE is also organising an open house for NOG organisers in April:
I think the best way forward is to take a little bit of a breather, maybe a year or two, and use that time to create new connections with other NOGs and rekindle old ones.
When the dust has settled we should rethink what we want and what we
need. Maybe it's ENOG, maybe it's CENOG, maybe it's something else -
time will tell. But making hasty decisions right now doesn't seem like a good idea in the long run.
I am from Finland, why am I here?
Well ... I'm part of the team that runs NOG meetings in Finland, and
some years ago RIPE told me to join this mailing list to advertise our events. I was also planning to propose a bid to host an ENOG meeting in Finland, but it seems that's not going to happen now.
Anyway, we are planning our next nog.fi [1] meeting on Wednesday June 15th in Tampere, Finland. As our plans mature, there will be more and more information at our web site:
We live in uncertain times, and there are still so many factors that can force us to cancel the event, but I'm trying not to dwell on that.
Best Regards,
-- Aleksi Suhonen
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Alex Semenyaka
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