Free Vouchers Available for our IPv6 and RIPE Database Exams - Request by 1 March

Dear colleagues,
Have you heard about the RIPE NCC Certified Professionals? It's our online exam certification programme.
We currently offer two exam certifications - on the RIPE Database and on IPv6. The exams can be scheduled and taken online, under the supervision of a live, remote proctor at the candidate’s convenience. We have also begun working on an IPv6 security exam that will be launched later this year.
The exam questions are aligned with the demands of the job market, so that our certifications test actual skills and knowledge required in the workplace. Once you take the exam, you will be able to see your results instantly, and if you are successful, you will be able to receive and display your digital badge. This digital badge is verifiable and can be shared via social media, or added to your digital CV.
If this sounds interesting to you, try out the exams for yourself. If you are a member, you should have already received three voucher codes. If you cannot find them, email
Up until 1 March we also offer a limited number of vouchers to non members. Write to us at to request free vouchers before 1 March. The issued vouchers will be valid until 31 March 2021. To assign the voucher email us your name, email, position and organisation/company.
You can read more about RIPE NCC Certified Professionals here:
Best regards, Gergana
participants (1)
Gergana Petrova